Home :: Embellishments :: Never Give Up - Elements by Lisa Rosa Designs

Never Give Up - Elements by Lisa Rosa Designs

Never Give Up - Elements by Lisa Rosa Designs

There are times when doubt cast a gloomy shadow over our goals or aspirations, and we thought it would be easier to give up on our dreams, that’s when we should remind ourselves not to give up. This collection is created to document your hopes, dreams, or maybe those times when you want to give up goals, because seem so far out of reach, but they are precious for you and you need a cheer up word, and remind you, that self-belief, and persistence are everything.

Never Give Up is a great collection created in a beautiful, elegant and timeless color palette, combined with yellow shades and splashes of warm accents in golden color, easy to match almost whatever picture. It's filled with beautiful unique themed elements, splatters, sayings, nice papers and two classy wooden alphas, all what you need to accompany your story.

This pack contains 70 elements:

3 banners, 1 bird, 2 bows, 2 buttons, 1 clip, 1 decorative, 1 doily, 3 fabric flowers, 3 flairs, 3 flower stickers, 5 foliage pieces, 1 golden doodle banner, 1 hot air balloon, 1 knot bow, 11 paper flowers, 3 paper flowers with stem, 1 polaroid stitched frame, 2 ribbons, 2 ricrac pieces, 2 scatters, 3 splatters, 1 stamped scatter, 2 strings, 1 tag, 1 tied paper flowers bouquet, 1 tri-colored ribbon, 1 wooden arrow with golden border, 1 wooden chevron arrow, 1 wooden frame, 1 wooden heart, 1 wooden tab, 7 word bits (just don’t stop, up & up, never give up, strength is in your blood, keep going!, grow through what you go through, don’t ever give up!).
SKU LRD-NeverGiveUp-EP
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 81.52MB
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