Home :: Kits :: Paint Chips Blackberry - Kit by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Blackberry - Kit by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Blackberry - Kit by Connie Prince
Paint Chips Blackberry by Connie Prince CT Layout using Paint Chips Blackberry by Connie Prince CT Layout using Paint Chips Blackberry by Connie Prince CT Layout using Paint Chips Blackberry by Connie Prince CT Layout using Paint Chips Blackberry by Connie Prince CT Layout using Paint Chips Blackberry by Connie Prince CT Layout using Paint Chips Blackberry by Connie Prince CT Layout using Paint Chips Blackberry by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Blackberry - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes: 12 patterned papers, 5 solid papers, 1 bow, 1 butterfly, 4 buttons, 1 tree charm, 4 coasters, 1 date label, 1 ephemera element, 8 flowers, 3 frames, 2 inked spots, 1 journal label, 1 piece of black lace, 1 a story to tell label, 1 favorite people label, 1 happy together label, 1 listen up label, 1 this is important label, 1 today was...label, 1 leaf, 1 metal ornament, 1 paint chip, 3 ribbons, 1 splatter, 2 stars, 1 string, 1 paper strip, 1 tag, 1 piece of tape, 1 twig, 1 happy word, 1 perfect word. Scrap for hire / others ok.
SKU cap_PCBlackberry
Market price: $5.99
Our price: $5.99 $3.00 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 131.08MB
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9 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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