Home :: Kits :: Paint Chips Royal Pink - Kit by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Royal Pink - Kit by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Royal Pink - Kit by Connie Prince
Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince Paint Chips: Royal Pink by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Royal Pink - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes: 12 patterned papers, 5 solid papers, 1 blank label, 1 butterfly, 4 buttons, 1 charm, 4 coasters, 1 date label, 1 ephemera element, 5 flowers, 3 frames, 1 heart strip, 1 inked spot, 1 journal mat, 1 piece of lace, 1 selfie label, 1 glow on label, 1 spectacular label, 1 super star label, 1 you amaze me label, 1 bow, 1 paint element, 1 paint chip card, 3 ribbons, 1 ribbon tab, 1 inked arrow line, 2 stars, 1 string, 1 piece of tape, 3 tiny flowers, 2 twigs, 1 pretty in pink wordart, 1 shine on wordart, 1 sparkle wordart. Scrap for hire / others ok.
SKU cap_PCRoyalPinkkit
Market price: $5.99
Our price: $5.99 $3.00 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 125.91MB
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9 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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