Home :: Kits :: Paint Chips Strawberry Field - Kit by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Strawberry Field - Kit by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Strawberry Field - Kit by Connie Prince
Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince Paint Chips Strawberry Field by Connie Prince

Paint Chips Strawberry Field - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes: 12 patterned papers, 5 solid papers, & 50 elements including: 1 arrow, 1 banner, 1 basket of strawberries, 1 single strawberry, 1 berry sprig, 1 berry stamp, 1 blank label, 1 bow, 1 date label, 1 doiley, 1 ticket, 2 ephemera elements, 1 fabric strawberry, 4 flair, 1 flourish, 9 flowers, 1 frame, 1 journal mat, 1 berry sweet label 1 I pick you label, 1 shortcake label, 1 strawberry label, 1 you pick label, 1 paint splatter, 1 pocket card - life is sweet, 1 life is berry sweet when you have strawberries quote, 4 ribbons, 1 ribbon tie, 1 scatter, 1 stitched line, 1 string, 1 red truck with strawberries, 2 twigs, 1 paint chip. Scrap for hire / others ok.
SKU cap_PCstrawberryfield
Market price: $5.99
Our price: $5.99 $3.00 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
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