Home :: Templates :: Templates By DESIGNER :: Templates by: Miss Fish :: Perforated Pockets 3-4 Bundle by Miss Fish

Perforated Pockets 3-4 Bundle by Miss Fish

Perforated Pockets 3-4 Bundle by Miss Fish

Create beautiful pocket-style pages with the Perforated Pockets 3 & 4 Template Bundle by Miss Fish. Each template comes with a frame that has perforations to add some extra flair to pocket pages. Fill in the remaining blocks with your favorite photos, papers, cards, and elements; you'll have a gorgeous page in no time! These templates are easy to customize to any theme!
SKU MFish_PP3-4
Market price: $8.80
Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 182.66MB
Download Time
13 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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