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Play dough - kit

Play dough - kit
Play dough - kit by HeartMade Scrapbook Play dough - papers by HeartMade Scrapbook Play dough - elements by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough by Heartmade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough by Heartmade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough by Heartmade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough by Heartmade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough by Heartmade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough by Heartmade Scrapbook Layout using Play dough by Heartmade Scrapbook

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Cute clay craft!

Full size, all papers are in. jpg, 3600 x 3600, 300 dpi; the elements are in. png, 300 dpi.

Kit contains 30 papers and 131 elements including animals: dino, dinosaur, fish, snail, arrows, banners, bows, butterfly, buttons, cactus, succullent, candy, clays, clock, cupcake, flair, flowers, foliage, frames, fruit: blueberry, cherry, grape, kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, global, heart, letter, paints, rainbow, scatter, string, sun, tabs, tag: air dry clay, squishy, titles: colorful, cute clay craft, homemade, hours of fun, kids art, play dough, play-doh, project, clay recipe; sculpt, tools: cutter, roller; veggies: carrot, red radish, lettuce, paprika; word art, word strip.

SKU HMS038_kit
Market price: $11.98
Our price: $7.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 328.79MB
Download Time
24 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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