Home :: Kits :: Playground by The Scrappy Kat

Playground by The Scrappy Kat

Playground by The Scrappy Kat

Scrap your park adventures with this fun, bright kit, "Playground". It is filled with 111 elements (including: spring duck and horse, bushes, climber, grass, heart, hopscotch, playhouse, sandbox, slide, merry-go-round, swing, seesaw, treehouse, paper flowers, leaves, strings, ribbons, doilies, scatters, stamps, stars and more!). It also includes 20 patterned papers and 10 cardstocks.


SKU SKU94473
Our price: $7.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 365.08MB
Download Time
27 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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