Home :: Quick Pages and Albums :: Pumpkin Spice Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

Pumpkin Spice Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

Pumpkin Spice Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

Fall is full of reasons to celebrate: Thanksgiving dinners, football games, and pumpkin spice everything in stores. After the chaos of Halloween, it’s time to cozy up and make some memories. Pumpkin Spice draws inspiration from some of the highlights of this time of year, but also leaves plenty of space for you to put your own spin on it. Spend less time searching your stash and more time with family - with or without a tasty treat - and document these festive fall days with Pumpkin Spice.
Quickpage pack contains 12 pages with spots for 52 photos
SKU SNP_PumpkinSpiceqps
Our price: $4.99
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