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Reading Zone by BoomersGirl Designs

Reading Zone by BoomersGirl Designs
Full Kit Elements Papers Alphabets BONUS PACK

Do you love to read? Is there a book that had a big impact on your life? Is there a local library you enjoyed? Maybe you're an author yourself. This kit is perfect for anything book and reading related. There are super cute characters reading their favorite books (as well as a BONUS PACK of the characters in alternate versions) and tons of reading themed elements. As always, there is also a large selection of everyday elements, including flowers, buttons, foliage and ribbons. Two full alphabets are included for creating word art and page titles.

This huge kit contains 44 beautifully textured papers, 110 fun elements (PLUS a BONUS PACK with 9 characters in alternate variations) and two full alphabets. Both alphabets contain individual uppercase letters, numbers and select punctuation as well as full sheets. All items were created at 300 DPI, perfect for printing.

Elements include:
1 banner
1 book club review (PLUS a clipping mask to add your own photo)
3 book stacks
2 books
1 bookmark
2 bookshelves
1 bookworm
2 bows
1 boy (PLUS 3 in alternate versions)
5 buttons
1 clipping mask
1 coffee cup
5 curling ribbons
10 assorted flowers
1 frame
2 girls (PLUS 6 in alternate versions)
4 pairs of glasses
1 graffiti
2 hearts
1 ink bottle
1 ink spill
12 labels
1 lamp
10 leaves / stems
1 library card
1 netting
1 pen and ink
1 quill pen
5 quote cards
3 quote stickers
6 quote strips
1 ribbon
1 ricrac
1 scalloped border
1 rug
1 scatter
1 shelf with books
1 side table with books
1 staple
2 stars
2 layered stitches
5 strings
1 tag
2 pieces of tape
1 typewriter

SKU SKU90163
Our price: $6.49
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 343.56MB
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25 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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