Home :: Templates :: Ready Set Blend 3 Templates by Miss Fish

Ready Set Blend 3 Templates by Miss Fish

Ready Set Blend 3 Templates by Miss Fish

This 4 pack of 12x12 digital templates provides large blended photomask spots with smaller photo spots plus beautifully spring elements. You can use these as a quick page by just clipping your photos to the templates as they are.  Or you change up the background and add your photos while keeping the supplied elements. Or you can customize it all by swapping out the elements and papers like a traditoinal template. The choice is yours and you'll get a great look no matter what you choose!! These templates are an easy and fast way to create beautiful pages!

Templates come in PSD, TIFF, PAGE and indivdual PNG layered formats. Shadows are included on PSD and TIFF files. Elements are on their own layers to make them easy to swap and move around.

Personal use, S4H, S4CT use allowed.  No other commerical use is authorized. 

SKU MFish_RSBlend3
Our price: $4.40
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 662.94MB
Download Time
49 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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