Home :: Quick Pages and Albums :: Retro Summer Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

Retro Summer Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

Retro Summer Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

A love of summer seems to be something that unites the generations, whether they’re dreaming of the Summer of Love, playing ball with the kids down the street, or heading off to sleepaway camp. Retro Summer brings that love of summertime, old and new, to your scrapbook. This retro-styled pack combines a bold yet faded color scheme with timeless elements and nods to bygone days, all in a fun and playful way. There are so many highlights that your eye is constantly finding something new to land on. Scrap those fun summers you wish would never end and keep memories alive with Retro Summer.

Quickpage pack contains 12 pages with spots for 57 photos.

Our price: $4.99
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Download Size 127.05MB
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