Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Save the Moments BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

Save the Moments BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

Save the Moments BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor
Evelyn Joanne Denise Elizabeth (using an alpha coming soon!) Jillian Rachelle Marlyn Joy Lisa (Me) Lisa (Me) Lisa (Me)

Save the Moments BUNDLE You get: The Kit - 137 elements and 51 papers The Cluster Pack - 5 clusters PNG The Page Borders - 4 borders PNG The Glitter Papers - 9 Glitter Papers The Page Pack - 2 quickpages, 12x12 PNG and 2 Stacks, 12x12 JPG

SKU SKU68962
Market price: $26.45
Our price: $15.87
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 607.20MB
Download Time
44 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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