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Schools In Session {The Kit}

Schools In Session {The Kit}

Summer is winding down and August is here...which means school is just around the corner. Schools in Session is the perfect kit to help you scrap those back to school memories. This Kit Contains: A Full Uppercase/Lowercase Alpha, Numbers, and some Punctuation 9 Cardstock Papers 24 Patterned Papers 60 Unique Elements (+20 Recolored Flowers & 12 Recolored Elements) Elements Included Are: 2 Apples, Banner, Binder Clip, 2 Books, Bookworm, 2 Bows, 3 Buttons, Calculator, Colored Pencil, Crayon, Crayon Box, Eraser, 5 Flowers, 3 Frames, Globe, Glue, Grunge, 2 Leaves, 2 Notebooks, Owl, Paint Set, Paper Clip Scatter, Pen, Pencil, 5 Ribbons, 2 Ric Racs, Ruler, Scissors, Sharpener, Staples, Star, Stitches, 2 Strings, 2 Tags, 6 Word Bits

SKU CDSS_SchoolsInSessionKit
Our price: $6.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 290.96MB
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21 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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