Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Spring's Kiss - Collection

Spring's Kiss - Collection

Spring's Kiss - Collection
Preview of elements excluding Titles so you can view better :)

This product includes:

91 Unique Elements

12 Papers

12 Solid Kraft Papers

20 Graffiti Art Stamps

1 Alpha (uppercase, lowercase, numbers and some punctuation in 7 coordinating colors)


SAVE $$ with the purchase of this full collection!


This product has been saved at 300 dpi to ensure high quality printing.


Disclaimer: Some layouts may contain items NOT included in this collection...they may contain art from templates, their own word art, recoloring, an occasional element from another kit, fonts, etc.


©Alexis Design Studio 2023




SKU ads-springskiss-collection
Market price: $19.00
Our price: $9.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 628.47MB
Download Time
46 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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