Home :: Embellishments :: Stay Cozy - Journal Cards by Lisa Rosa Designs

Stay Cozy - Journal Cards by Lisa Rosa Designs

Stay Cozy - Journal Cards by Lisa Rosa Designs

When everything looks like a magical oil painting, you know you are in autumn” ~ M.M. Ildan

Fall is a cozy, delicious transitional season. It’s a magical time for all senses, for communing with family, friends and nature, where cooler temperatures keep us at home longer. Time to relax, meditate, read a good book or just cuddle in a sofa with a cozy blanket while enjoying a hot drink. Season's holidays are a great chance to thank for our bounty, be at home, gather with family and friends and have fun.

All of this has inspired this beautiful collection, created in a warm palette of reds, oranges and yellows, with some notes of brown, green and purple hues, perfect for scrap all those fall memories.

JOURNAL CARDS include 10 journal cards in sizes 3x4 and 6x4 inches

Our price: $2.99
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