Home :: Actions and Styles :: Sweet Christmas Glitter by Karen Schulz and Linda Cumberland Designs

Sweet Christmas Glitter by Karen Schulz and Linda Cumberland Designs

Sweet Christmas Glitter by Karen Schulz and Linda Cumberland Designs

Add some sparkle and bling to your digital scrapbook pages or projects with the use of this sparkling glitter. Traditional Christmas red, green, and gold round out this glitter pack, designed to coordinate with Sweet Christmas, a collaboration between Snickerdoodle Designs and Linda Cumberland Designs.

Information about this product:
Included are:
 5 Glitter Sheets; 12 x 12” in size; 300 dpi; JPG format
1 .abr file (glitter brush)
1 .asl file (glitter style)
Metadata for PSE 6-10 users

Terms of Use:
Personal Use and Scrap for Hire friendly

Best Value:
This product is available individually but is also included in the Sweet Christmas Collection, which is your Best Value.

SKU sd-sc-glitter
Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 77.28MB
Download Time
5 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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