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The Force MEGA Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

The Force MEGA Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

You will find all you need to scrap your out of this world adventures with your favorite characters in “The Force” bundle. It includes the full kit with its “The Force” is an out of this world kit. It is filled with 100 elements (including: C3PO, Princess Lei, Luke, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, R2D2, Yoda, lightsabers, Star Wars word art, spaceships, flowers, frames, tags, stamps, ribbons, and more!), 7 cardstocks, and 20 patterned papers. It also includes 6 blended papers, 6 bokeh papers, 6 painted wood papers, 12 flairs, 50 flowers, leaves and pinwheels, 6 journal cards, 12 speech bubbles and 16 washi tapes.
SKU SKU86923
Our price: $14.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 507.36MB
Download Time
37 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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