The woods beckon with the promise of serenity, reflection and quietude. Earthy and rich colors make Under the Canopy a treat to scrap with; it is perfect for family photos and studio portraits.
Deep in the forest underneath the towering canopy of trees, you'll find a wondrous & beautiful world. Lush damp moss, feathery ferns, colorful mushrooms and woodland creatures call the forest floor home
Embrace nature with this stupendous (& huge!) collection, Under the Canopy by ADB Designs.
Included in the Under The Canopy Flourishes:
Each product is offered individually for your convenience; however, the bundle is always your best value.
Information about this product:
300 ppi for quality printing results
Personal Use [PU, S4H, S4O]
Elements are provided in PNG format.
Sizes are reduced for preview purposes.
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