Home :: Embellishments :: Under the Sea - Elements by CathyK Designs

Under the Sea - Elements by CathyK Designs

Under the Sea - Elements by CathyK Designs

A kit full of colorful sea life! Under the Sea - Elements includes 82 elements (2 wave borders, 2 bead scatters, 2 bubble scatters, shell banner, bow, 2 charms [anchor and shell], 5 colorful coral plants, 12 sea animals [crab, dolphin, 3 fish, jellyfish, octopus, seahorse, shark, stingray, turtle, whale], driftwood piece, 13 flowers, wood frame, 2 gem strands, 2 metal hearts, 2 foliage pieces, 3 seaweed elements, paint, netting, 3 ribbons, realistic seaweed piece, 3 realistic shells, glittery shell, 2 waters splashes, 2 realistic starfish, 2 string, swirl, 3 titles, 10 word strips), and a full alpha (uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals and common punctuation). SFH/SFO

Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 170.84MB
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12 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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