Home :: Templates :: Vacation Album: Sightseeing 1 by Miss Fish

Vacation Album: Sightseeing 1 by Miss Fish

Vacation Album: Sightseeing 1 by Miss Fish

Document your vacation and your favorite attractions, museums and view with Vacation Album: Sightseeing 1 by Miss Fish Templates. This template pack is designed to coordinate with the other Vacation Album: Sightseeing template packs to help you create a vacation or travel album with your favorite photos and memories.  Just add your favorite digital scrapbook kit and your special photos to create perfect pages in no time!  Mix and match with other templates in the series to build a fabulous photo book in no time! 

Vacation Album: Sightseeing 1 Templates by Miss Fish include:
4 individual digital templates that are 12x12", 300 dpi in PSD, TIFF, PAGE, and PNG formats.
Shadows are for preview purposes only and are not included in the layered template files. 
These Templates can be used for PU/S4H/S4O.
Copyright 2023 Miss Fish Templates



Our price: $4.40
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 41.29MB
Download Time
3 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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