Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Woodland Kristmess Bundle

Woodland Kristmess Bundle

Woodland Kristmess Bundle
Layout by Yvonne Layout by Kristina Layout by Yvonne Layout by Kristina Layout by AnneMarie Layout by Cindy Layout by Yvonne Layout by Kabra Layout by Donna Layout by Sherri

Buy the entire Woodland Kristmess Collection  and save BIG! This huge bundle includes all my Woodland Kristmess packs, available individually, discounted to an amazing price!! This collection is perfect for capturing the serene beauty of winter landscapes, transforming your pages into enchanting snowy scenes. It’s also ideal for photos of birds visiting your winter garden or all the joyful moments of outdoor fun - sledding, building snowmen, making snow angels, and so much more.

Pack Contains:

Woodland Kristmess Page Kit
Woodland Kristmess Alphabet
Woodland Kristmess Shabby Papers
Woodland Kristmess Artsy Papers
Woodland Kristmess Artsy Edges
Woodland Kristmess QuickPages
Woodland Kristmess WordArt
Plus FREE Woodland Kristmess Weath
Please see individual packs HERE for exact contents.

All created at 300ppi for maximum quality.    Clusters come both with and without shadow, realistic shadowing on quickpages and stacked papers and all other shadows are for preview purposes only.

SKU KMESS_WdlndKms_Bndl
Market price: $30.45
Our price: $18.27
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 454.01MB
Download Time
33 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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