Home :: Templates :: All Hallows Eve by Dear Friends Designs by Trina

All Hallows Eve by Dear Friends Designs by Trina

All Hallows Eve by Dear Friends Designs by Trina
LO by Trina Lo by Michi LO by Jamie LO by Trina

With our template pack, you will be able to scrap your photos quickly & easily!


Includes 2 - 12x12 templates and 1 - 24x12 template (also includes the left and right sides split into 2 - 12x12 templates). All templates are saved as layered PSD & TIF files, live PAGE files and will include the individual PNG for each layer. Scrap for hire (S4H) and scrap for others (S4O) ok!


3600x3600, 300 dpi! Scrap for hire (S4H) and Scrap for others (S4O) OK!

Please note that our psd and tiff files might not open in Adobe Photoshop CS3 or earlier.


SKU DFDbyT_AllHallowsEve
Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 12.59MB
Download Time
Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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