All of our products are downloadable/digital products, NO physical products will be shipped.
You will have 40 days from purchase to download your products. If you need downloads reset, you can request a maximum of 10 products and new links can be emailed to you for those 10 products. Any products that have been removed or retired from the shop will not be eligible for reset as they are removed from the server.
All promotions and sales are based on Eastern Time Zone. Please be sure and proceed to check out prior to the end of a sale to guarantee sale prices will apply to your order.
Double check your supplies before you complete your purchase, our cart does not currently have a feature to warn you if you have purchased an item prior.
Please be aware that the product listings may have sample scrapbook pages as additional images on the product page. The example layouts may use templates that are NOT included in the product. The example layouts may use word art, fonts, small elements or basic items (such as staples or brads etc) that are NOT included in the product. Please be sure to refer to the product description and the product PREVIEW for an exact list of what is included. If you have any question please contact us prior to purchasing. Contact us via the "Contact Us" link and provide a link to the product in question and specifics about the item in question.
There is a TOU- Read Me file provided within each kit. Please read it for detailed information about the terms of your purchase. By purchasing and installing products from GingerScraps, you are agreeing that the product is the property of the designer and licensed to you as a single user for personal use.
GENERAL Terms of Use:
By downloading and/or using any material, you agree to the terms of use outlined in this document, and the copyright
law applicable in your country.
The graphics for this kit have been made by GingerScraps and/or GingerScraps Designers.
All images and items are property of GingerScraps and/or GingerScraps Designers.
The items are designed for your personal use. NO items in this kit are to be used for commercial use, unless specifically stated THAT CU is allowed.
You may:
- Create a layout, design or product with the digital designs for your own personal use and enjoyment or for others, such as Scrap for Hire.
- Use these graphics in a layout submitted to an online gallery, magazine or other publication- you must give credit to GingerScraps and/or GingerScraps Designers.
- Feel free to alter these images to fit your personal scrapbooking needs, including resizing, recoloring and cropping.
You may not:
- Redistribute any file by any means including sending direct links or files by email to any other person or group, uploading files to another group or site, or creating compilation CD or DVDs or any other facility that would allow others to access the file either for or without payment.
- Share by direct links to any digital designs, kits, elements or associated material, also known as "hotlinking".
- Rename any file and call it your own.
- Incorporate any elements into a new element and call it your own, or alter the element and call it your own.
- Transfer ownership to another individual. All files are single user license.
- Use any of the digital designs to create obscene, defamatory or immoral works. Nor is it permitted to use content for any other purpose which is prohibited by law.
If you want others to know about these designs please send them to the GingerScraps and/or GingerScraps Designers' shops or blogs.
Please notify GingerScraps of any breaches of these terms. Contact us
Special thanks to the following:
Please read the individual designers TOU for a list of all credits :)
Say No to digital piracy.
I would love to hear from you and see your work! Please post your layouts in our Gallery and Forum!
Any questions about our Terms of Use can be directed to-
Thank you!