Home :: Bundled Goodies :: #2019 June - Bundle Collection by Connie Prince

#2019 June - Bundle Collection by Connie Prince

#2019 June - Bundle Collection by Connie Prince

#2019 June - Bundle Collection by Connie Prince. Each month during 2019 a new #2019 Collection will be released! These are perfect for scrapping monthly recap layouts, Project 365, Project 52, Life Events, or any layout that you can dream up! Bundle includes kit, border clusters, quoted, mixed media, messy papers, extra papers, & Week 23 - Week 26 templates.
SKU cap_2019JunBundle
Market price: $28.90
Our price: $6.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 590.84MB
Download Time
43 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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