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#2024 December - Quick Pages by Connie Prince

#2024 December - Quick Pages by Connie Prince

#2024 December - Quick Pages by Connie Prince. Includes 4 12x12 quick page layouts saved in PNG format. Scrap for hire / others ok.

Create the perfect scrapbook to preserve all your December memories with this festive scrapbook kit! Packed with holiday cheer, it includes a wonderful collection of items to help you capture every joyful moment from Christmas and winter celebrations. Featuring a mix of traditional Christmas colors like red, green, and blue, this kit includes patterned paper, embellishment and journaling bits, all designed to complement your photos and stories.

The kit features charming winter motifs, such as snowflakes, cozy mittens, festive gifts, and Santa’s sleigh, along with classic Christmas symbols like holly, ornaments, and a Christmas tree. There are also festive titles, phrases, and tags perfect for journaling your favorite memories. Whether you're documenting Christmas mornings, holiday traditions, or snowy adventures, this kit has everything you need to make your December scrapbook pages come to life!
SKU cap_2024DecQPs
Market price: $3.99
Our price: $3.99 $2.00 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 69.15MB
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5 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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