Home :: Bundled Goodies :: A Boys Room BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

A Boys Room BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

A Boys Room BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor
Anita Evelyn Lisa (Me) Lisa (Me) Lisa (Me) Kit Preview alpha page borders clusters glitters stacks papers elements zoom view Lisa (Me) Elizabeth Elizabeth

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The Kit -57 papers 201 Elements including: felt alien, felt astronaut, 29 bows, 14 silver charms, 3 scatters, 2 felt dragons, 1 felt dump truck, 1 easel, 38 flowers, 10 wood frames, felt horse, felt hot air balloon, 14 leather shapes, 7 leaf sets, 20 lego style blocks, 6 lego style heads, 6 lego style men, 1 felt lion, 1 locker element, 3 felt monkeys, 8 mustache elements, 6 picture frames, 3 planets, 9 license plate word art elements, 1 felt robot, 1 felt rocket, 1 shelf element, 1 wooden sign, 1 felt snail, 2 felt snakes, 4 felt space ships, 1 teepee, 1 felt train, 2 felt turtles

BONUS Uppercase scoreboard clothespin alpha

The Cluster Pack - 5 clusters

The Page Borders - 4 page borders

The Glitter Papers - 13 glitter papers

The Stacks - 4 stacks

The Wood Alpha - 1 wooden tile alpha set

SKU SKU69119
Market price: $26.45
Our price: $15.87
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 757.83MB
Download Time
56 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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