Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Aloha: The Collection by LDragDesigns

Aloha: The Collection by LDragDesigns

Aloha: The Collection by LDragDesigns

Let's get tropical with this beautiful summery and hawaiian collection by LDragDesigns!

You will find lots of themed elements and tropical green foliage.

This product contains

Aloha: the kit

Aloha:  Cluster Frames

Aloha:  Borders

Aloha:  Journal Cards

Aloha:  Alphas

Aloha:  Worn Out Papers

Aloha:  Embossed Papers

Aloha:  Glitterstyles

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SKU ldrag_aloha_bundle
Market price: $28.92
Our price: $11.56
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 643.92MB
Download Time
47 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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