Home :: Collabs And Duos :: Autumn Spice Kit by North Meets South Studios

Autumn Spice Kit by North Meets South Studios

Autumn Spice Kit by North Meets South Studios

Capture the beautiful changing colors of autumn on your pages with this new digital scrapbooking collab kit from North Meets South Studios (Trixie Scraps & Connie Prince). With trees and colorful leaves, acorns and owls, it has everything you need to put the "Autumn Spice" into your scrapbook pages, this fall! This full kit includes twenty-two papers (16 patterns and 6 coordinating solids, all 300dpi, JPG format), plus 48 elements and 1 full alpha (all 300dpi, PNG format). Approved for personal use, Scrap4Hire/Scrap4Others, too.

The individual elements included are as follows: 2 acorns, 1 border, 2 bows, 1 Fall Banner, 6 flowers, 1 frame, 1 heart, 3 doodled leaves, 1 plaid ribbon, 1 ricrac, 1 Happy Fall Y'all tag, 1 Autumn Tag, 1 November Tag, 1 September Tag, 1 October tag, 1 Autumn word, 1 banner, 1 striped bow, 4 buttons, 3 leaf coasters, 1 burlap frame, 2 ink spots, 2 leaves, 1 leaf trail, 1 owl, 2 straight ribbons, 1 tag, 2 trees, and 1 twig. The alpha includes upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and common punctuation, all offered as both individual characters and in alpha sheet format.

SKU nmss_autumnspice_kit
Our price: $6.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 229.72MB
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17 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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