Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Autumn is Calling BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

Autumn is Calling BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

Autumn is Calling BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor
Anita Lisa (Me) Lisa (Me) Lisa (Me) Anita Anita Kit Preview page borders clusters glitters stacks Marlyn

The Kit - 37 papers
98 elements including: 4 arrows, 1 border stitch, 9 eyelet borders, 2 bows with 2 matching bow wraps, 9 brads, 9 buttons, 9 cogs, 3 feathers, 9 flairs, 19 flowers, 7 frames, 4 leaves, 9 spriggles, 1 stitch for buttons, 1 tag cluster.
The Cluster Pack
The Page Borders
The Glitter Papers
The Stacks
SKU SKU74432
Market price: $26.45
Our price: $15.87
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 452.59MB
Download Time
33 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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