Home :: Alphas :: Awkward 101 Alphas by J. Conlon and Sons

Awkward 101 Alphas by J. Conlon and Sons

Awkward 101 Alphas by J. Conlon and Sons

The Awkward 101 digital scrapbooking collection humorously encapsulates the charming awkwardness of middle school years. Get nostalgic and document your own unforgettable moments from those formative years. Or write about your teen's current rollercoaster of emotions. Plus the Awkward 101 word strips offer the perfect prompts to reminisce and celebrate the quirks of that unique period in life.

Four alphas (One full alpha of upper and lower case letters, numbers and some punctuation marks. And three alphas of only upper case, numbers and punctuation marks) with individual PNGs and full sheet PNGs included.

All PNGs and/or JPGs are 300 dpi. This is a downloadable, digital product. No items will be shipped to you. For personal use only. Please read the terms of use document in the download file.

SKU SKU95726
Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 16.47MB
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