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Baby shower: boy - kit

Baby shower: boy - kit
Baby shower: boy - elements by HeartMade Scrapbook Baby shower: boy - papers by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook Layout using Baby shower: boy by HeartMade Scrapbook

SAVE BIG when you purchase the Baby shower: boy bundle!

Baby boy: Welcome to the world!

Kit contains 36 papers and 137 elements including animals: bird, ducks, elephants, giraffe, stock, whale; balloons, banners, bibs, boat, boy, bows, butterfly, buttons, card, clothes, floral stamps, flowers, foliage, foot print, frames, hearts, labels, milk bottle, nappy pins, pacifier, paints, pea, pin wheel, rain, rainbow, rattle, ribbon, scatters, shock, star, tabs: team boy, you’re love, dream big, miracle; tiny flowers, titles: baby boy, beautiful, happy, little boy, little one, love, newborn, shower, sweet, tiny toes, hello baby, baby shower; toy, train, rattle, trolley, umbrella, word art, word strip.

SKU HMS50_kit
Market price: $10.98
Our price: $7.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 309.32MB
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22 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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