Home :: Embellishments :: Beach Vacay - Border Clusters by Connie Prince

Beach Vacay - Border Clusters by Connie Prince

Beach Vacay - Border Clusters by Connie Prince
CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince CT Layout using Beach Vacay by Connie Prince

For me the beach is more than a vacation destination, it is where I feel more like me than anyplace on earth! I love the feel of the warm sand between my toes as I watch the ocean waves break against the shore. Laughter, music, and ocean sounds fill my ears and my heart with contentment. The smell of the ocean breeze clears my mind and I feel peaceful, hopeful, happy.

Beach Vacay - Border Clusters by Connie Prince. Includes 4 border clusters saved in PNG format. Shadows are included. Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_beachvacayBC
Our price: $2.99
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