Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Being Girly Collection by Aimee Harrison and Chere Kaye Designs

Being Girly Collection by Aimee Harrison and Chere Kaye Designs

Being Girly Collection by Aimee Harrison and Chere Kaye Designs

This collection is full adorable girls and girly things that celebrate growing up! It reminds me of that stage in my life where I started to do so many girly things like wear lip gloss, paint my nails and curl my hair.

Our Being Girly Collection includes the following:
92 Elements
20 Patterned Papers
20 Solid Papers
6 Alpha Sets
6 Titles
6 Messy Edges
25 Flowers and 4 Foliage
10 Journal Cards
28 Damask Papers

Copyright 2022 Aimee Harrison and Chere Kaye Designs

NOTE: Layouts shown may contain items not included in the pack.

SKU aimeeh-ckd_beinggirly_coll
Market price: $31.93
Our price: $15.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 702.84MB
Download Time
52 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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