Home :: Kits :: Blinded Me With Science - Kit by CathyK Designs

Blinded Me With Science - Kit by CathyK Designs

Blinded Me With Science - Kit by CathyK Designs

A collection for science lovers. Great for homeshooling, science projects, science fairs and visits to science centers!  Kit includes: 32 papers (18 patterns and 14 solids), a full alpha (uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals and common punctuation), alligator clip, blue award ribbon, 4 assorted beakers, 2 bows, battery, bunsen burner with beaker, 3 chipboard elements (carbon atom, pie chart and atomic heart), lab ID card (with and without plastic cover), lab ID frame, grid paper frame, bullnose clip, clipboard, DNA, dropper, 2 planets (Earth, Saturn), 2 science formulas, 5 flair, 9 flowers, frog, 2 gears, goggles, glove, lab notebook (2 options), 3 leaf elements, light bulb, magnet, microscope, magnifying glass, 2 molecules, paint stamp, pencil, pinwheel, protein, 5 ribbons, 3 rocks, 2 string, metal ruler, electrical tape, test tube, rack of 4 test tubes, 2 titles (science, scientist), wire and 10 word strips (explore, discover, be curious, scientific method, observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, analysis, conclusion). SFH/SFO

This product consists of Blinded Me With Science - Papers and Blinded Me With Science - Elements and is also included in the money-saving Bundle found here.

Our price: $7.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 304.48MB
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