Home :: Embellishments :: Boho Chic - Elements

Boho Chic - Elements

Boho Chic - Elements

A Collection to celebrate your free spirit. Boho Chic - Elements includes beaded banner, baby's breath, beaded bracelet, funky brown bead, 4 bead scatters, beaded swirl, Boho lady with guitar, stitched arrow border in 2 color combinations, 2 bows, button, 3 charms (feather, guitar, boot), hanging charm, hanging crystal, dreamcatcher, 5 embroidered flowers, embroidered hearts, 3 feathers, 11 flowers, doodled flower, 2 frames, friendship bracelet, straw hat, twiggy heart, lace piece, 3 foliage pieces, 2 mandala stickers, denim pocket, quill, 10 ribbons, leather sandals, Boho skull, 9 string, 3 suede tassels, 4 trim pieces, 5 word strips. SFH/SFO

See the entire collection here.

Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 130.90MB
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9 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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