Home :: Embellishments :: Bring On Spring - Elements

Bring On Spring - Elements

Bring On Spring - Elements

So sick of those cold winter days...it's time to Bring On Spring!! This kit is a fun spring themed kit filled with Bunny, Bees, Chicks, Lambs, and Flowers!

This Product has 55 Elements.
Elements included are: Banner, Basket, Bee, Berries, Bouquet, 2 Bows, Branch, 4 Bunnies, Butterfly, Butterfly String, 3 Buttons, Chick, Dragonfly, 2 Eggs, Feather, 4 Flowers, 3 Frames, Grunge, LadyBug, Lamb, 2 Leaves, Rainbow Cloud, Rain Cloud, 5 Ribbons, 2 Ric Racs, Staples, Stitches, 2 Strings, 2 Tags, 6 Word Bits
**This product is part of Scrappin Serenity's Bring On Spring Collection.
SKU CDSS_BringOnSpringElements
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 45.92MB
Download Time
3 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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