Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Butterfly Garden - Bundle by Connie Prince

Butterfly Garden - Bundle by Connie Prince

Butterfly Garden - Bundle by Connie Prince
Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince CT Layout using Butterfly Garden by Connie Prince

Butterflies have always been viewed as a deeply powerful representation of life, hope, and change. Some cultures believe butterflies are attached to our souls and when you see one it could possibly be a loved paying us a visit. Isn't that a nice thought? They are undeniably beautiful and graceful creatures that are fascinating to watch whether in your own backyard or in a public butterfly garden!

Butterfly Garden - Bundle by Connie Prince. Includes Butterfly Garden kit, alphas, word art, quoted, extra papers, & messy papers. Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_butterflygardenbundle
Market price: $20.94
Our price: $8.47
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 918.58MB
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