Home :: Bundled Goodies :: By the Seashore (collection)

By the Seashore (collection)

By the Seashore (collection)

By the Seashore is a gorgeous collection inspired by seaside getaways, coastal walks, and sunsets by the sea. In beautiful pastel shades of blue, pink, and sandy browns, this collection features fabulous beach and nautical elements that are perfect to document your favorite coastal photos, beachcombing findings, summer or winter days by the ocean, and any other adventures at sea.

Inside this digital scrapbooking pack you will find 28 papers (11 solids and 17 patterns), one full alpha, and 86 unique hand-drawn elements including calm and wavy seas, cliff, rocks, lighthouse, sailboat, pelican, lobster, crab, fish, stilt, seagulls, seahorse, sea urchin, seashells, starfishes, anchor, helm, lifebuoy, fishnet, oars, glass buoy, swivel, bubbles, pearls, seaglass, along with worded inspiration, flowers, foliage, frames, banners, stitches, buttons, ribbons, paper clip, scatters, tag, staple, and so much more!

This bundle also includes 10 journaling cards (in both orientations), 27 graffiti pieces, 8 shimmery ombré papers, and 44 additional word bits.

PU / limited S4O-S4H 

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** Please note that this is a digital kit. No physical product will be sent to you. Please enlarge preview for detailed images. All files are created at 300 dpi. Papers are 12x12 jpg. Alphas and elements are saved in individual files in png format and actual size is larger than shown in preview. 


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SKU MSG_BTSeashore_collection
Market price: $20.00
Our price: $12.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 398.21MB
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29 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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