Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: Elements - Realistic :: CU Ephemera Volume 1 by Key Lime Digi Design

CU Ephemera Volume 1 by Key Lime Digi Design

CU Ephemera Volume 1 by Key Lime Digi Design

Found treasures! One of four sets! These images all come from a very old box full of antique piano sheet music and periodicals. I have kept these treasures over the years and finally decided that they needed to be saved digitally. Some of them are dated late 1800's and span over just about twenty years.

I had to handle with a gentle touch to protect them from further destruction. Some of the fashions and vernacular are very outdated, but they will find a place in your vintage kits and layouts. Perfect for making brushes, or torn paper pieces, or even use as-is. I just ask that the full size sheets are not for freebies. All elements are saved as .PNG files. Everything is created at 300 dpi for optimum print quality.

And yes, that is the Marx brothers in Set One!
SKU SKU49448
Market price: $4.00
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 143.69MB
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