Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: Overlays & Textures :: CU Wrinkled Textures Vol. 3 by The Scrappy Kat

CU Wrinkled Textures Vol. 3 by The Scrappy Kat

CU Wrinkled Textures Vol. 3 by The Scrappy Kat

Six commercial use paper textures. The textures are 12x12 inch, 300 ppi. My textures are the best textures on the market! They will give you perfect crisp and clear paper textures at 100% zoom. No more buying textures and worrying if they will be suitable to use. These will become your "go to" for all your paper making needs. Many designers have personally told me that my paper textures are the only textures that they use.

SKU SKU76133
Our price: $5.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 45.50MB
Download Time
3 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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