Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Celebrate love Bundle by PrelestnayaP Design and CarolW Designs

Celebrate love Bundle by PrelestnayaP Design and CarolW Designs

Celebrate love Bundle by PrelestnayaP Design and CarolW Designs
cw_CelebrateLove_Bundle cw_CelebrateLove_kit cw_CelebrateLove_extra cw_CelebrateLove_stamp cw_CelebrateLove_edge cw_CelebrateLove_mask cw_CelebrateLove_alpha cw_CelebrateLove_sp

Collection created by 2 Designers (CarolW Designs and PrelestnayaP Design)

This Collection  is everything about love, romantic events, tender emotions.

This Bundle contains:
1 Element Pack - 103 elements  - .png
1 Paper Pack – 17 patterned papers – All 12”x12”, .jpg
1 Solid & Ombre papers Pack – 8 ombré papers + 12 solid papers - All 12”x12”, .jpg
1 Extra Pack (25 different items/elements) - .png
1 Stamps Pack - 6 black stamps, .png
1 Masks & Frames Pack - 4 masks & frames - .psd, .tiff, .png
1 Edges Set - 8 colorful edges, .png
1 Alpha Pack (3 sets of alphabets and 1 set of numbers), .png

All saved at 300ppi for best quality printing.
License: Personal Use, SFH/SFO. For further details, read the Terms of Use.

Please note that layouts shown as additional images might include elements or templates from other collections.


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SKU cw-bd-cl
Our price: $31.80
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 620.64MB
Download Time
45 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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