Home :: Paper Packs :: Celebrating Women Ombre Papers & Cardstocks by JB Studio, Neia Scraps, Preletsnaya P, Karen Schulz

Celebrating Women Ombre Papers & Cardstocks by JB Studio, Neia Scraps, Preletsnaya P, Karen Schulz

Celebrating Women Ombre Papers & Cardstocks by JB Studio, Neia Scraps, Preletsnaya P, Karen Schulz

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Celebrating Women Ombre Papers & Cardstocks are digital scrapbooking papers created by Just Because Studio, Neia Scraps, Prelestnaya P, and Karen Schulz.

This digital scrapbooking product includes:

18 extra papers – 9 unique patterns: artsy, painted, glitter, handdrawn patt - All 12”x12” (.jpg files)

All saved at 300ppi for best quality printing.

License: Personal Use, SFH/SFO. For further details, read the Terms of Use. 

Please note that layouts shown as additional images are samples of use and usually are made with the whole collection when there’s one. They might include elements or templates from other collections.

SKU jbsmegaCWomen8
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 21.31MB
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Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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