Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: PS/PSE Actions & Styles :: Christmas Layer Styles 2 by Wetfish Designs

Christmas Layer Styles 2 by Wetfish Designs

Christmas Layer Styles 2 by Wetfish Designs

Use these layer styles on any shape or font layer for a quick and easy layer design change. A quick, easy way to change things up without a lot of work! There are 6 styles in each ASL File, each with a different black and red pattern. This product is in .pat (pattern) and .asl (style) format. You need Photoshop to use these files! This file is NOT tested in Photoshop Elements!

SKU SKU10745711113
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 1.01MB
Download Time
Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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