Home :: Word Art :: Cool By the Pool Word Art by Aimee Harrison and HSA

Cool By the Pool Word Art by Aimee Harrison and HSA

Cool By the Pool Word Art by Aimee Harrison and HSA

SPLISH! SPLASH! Summer has arrived! Scrap your happy poolside photographs with this colourful collection. An Aimee Harrison Designs and Heartstrings Scrap Art collaboration – perfect for your summertime pics.

My Cool By the Pool Word Art include:
6 words only .png files without shadows
6 words with decoration .png files without shadows
6 words with decoration .png files with shadows

This Word Art is PU/S4O/S4H friendly.

Copyright 2018 Aimee Harrison & Heartstrings Scrap Art

SKU aimeeh-HSA_coolpool_wa
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 15.41MB
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