Home :: Kits :: Country Kitchen by The Scrappy Kat

Country Kitchen by The Scrappy Kat

Country Kitchen by The Scrappy Kat

“Country Kitchen” is a homey, rustic kit, perfect for scrapping family gathered around the kitchen or watering flowers and Grandma’s house. It is stuffed with 90 elements (including: rusty pitcher, window, wood drawers, box, wood buttons, flowers, leaves, baskets, watering can, bucket, scale, teacups, teapots, keys, funnel, can, and so much more!) It also includes 6 wood papers, 5 wood texture papers, 5 cardstocks and 20 patterned papers.
SKU SKU82906
Our price: $6.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 284.05MB
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21 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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