Home :: Quick Pages and Albums :: Cozy Corner Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

Cozy Corner Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

Cozy Corner Quickpages by Scraps N Pieces

When winter settles in for the season, many of us settle in as well. Instead of spending the day strolling outside, we hang out in the kitchen or in front of the fire. Cozy Corner perfectly captures this warm, cozy feeling - both in the leadup to the holidays and in the afterglow. So find yourself a warm, comfy spot and scrap those special winter stories with Cozy Corner.

Quickpage pack has 12 flattened PNG images with cutouts for 38 photos.

SKU SNP_CCornerqp
Our price: $4.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 176.83MB
Download Time
13 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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