Home :: Paper Packs :: Cozy Me Time Extra Papers by JB Studio

Cozy Me Time Extra Papers by JB Studio

Cozy Me Time Extra Papers by JB Studio

>>> SAVE BIG when you purchase the bundle!!

“Give yourself the same attention and care you give to others and watch yourself bloom.” ~unknown

The last quarter of the year is usually pretty busy and overwhelming. We have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for, but I also feel like I need a little break sometimes, don’t you? Cozy Me Time is all about giving yourself the attention, care and love that you desserve. Full of illustrations and handwritten elements made digitally by me, you’re going to find it inspiring and fun to scrap with.

The Extra Papers Pack Contains: 29 papers - All 12”x12”

All saved in JPG format at 300ppi for best quality printing. 

License: Personal Use, SFH/SFO. For further details, read the Terms of Use. 

Please note that layouts shown as additional images are samples of use and usually are made with the whole collection when there’s one. They might include elements or templates from other collections.


SKU JBSCozyMT112620213
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 18.49MB
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