Home :: Alphas :: Dream Vacation: Alphas by LDragDesigns

Dream Vacation: Alphas by LDragDesigns

Dream Vacation: Alphas by LDragDesigns

Capture your oriental or exotic travels with bright colors and iconic elements which can also be used in many other travel or beach layouts! This collection is full of rich patterns and rich colors!

This product contains

6 assorted alphas (capital letters A-Z, and lowercase letters, numbers and some symbols and punctuation in individual PNG files each)

This product coordinates with

Dream Vacation: the kit

Dream Vacation: Borders

Dream Vacation: Cluster Frames

Dream Vacation: Journal Cards

Dream Vacation: Ombre Papers

Dream Vacation: Embossed Papers

Dream Vacation: Worn Out Papers

Dream Vacation: Glitterstyles

but if you want to have them ALL

and SAVE you can have The Collection

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SKU ldrag_dv_alphas
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 110.27MB
Download Time
8 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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