I had an urge to clean… but I sat down and let it pass. LOL. Just kidding - I actually clean every single day. However, those dust bunnies still keep coming to visit. Show off your dust bunnies with this adorable kit. The palette is pinks, blues, and greens and the patterns are luscious and full of pizzazz! It has bucket-loads of buckets, brooms, mops, and dustpans. There are darling, little dishwashing bunnies, laundry bunnies and even dusting bunnies as well as buttons, strings, flowers, leaves, and stars. The word art is clever and funny and there are two complete alphas to finish off any layout.
This huge kit contains 40 beautifully textured papers, 101 fun elements and two full alphabets. Both alphabets contain individual uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and some punctuation as well as full sheets. All items were created at 300 DPI, perfect for printing.
Elements include:
1 arrow
1 banner
2 bows
1 broom
1 bucket
6 bunnies
6 buttons
1 cleaner
1 cleaning spray
1 clipping mask
1 clothes pin
5 curling ribbons
1 dryer
1 dust pan
9 assorted flowers
1 frame
1 graffiti
2 hearts
9 labels
1 laundry basket
9 leaves / stems
1 mop
1 netting
1 page title
1 paper clip
1 roll of paper towels
7 quote cards
5 quote strips
1 ribbon
1 ricrac
1 scalloped border
1 scatter
1 scrub brush
1 sponge with water
1 staple
2 stars
2 layered stitches
5 strings
1 swirl
1 tag
2 pieces of tape
2 vacuums
1 washer |