Home :: Kits :: Early Spring from Designs by Lisa Minor

Early Spring from Designs by Lisa Minor

Early Spring from Designs by Lisa Minor
Marlyn papers elements 1 elements 2 zoom view

28 papers plus 9 glitter papers
1 lower case alpha set
102 elements including: 11 bows, 9 brads, 13 butterflies, 9 buttons, button stitch, 18 flowers, 7 frames, 1 frame cluster, 6 leaves, 1 page border, 6 spriggles, 8 stars, 13 yarn stitches, 3 shadows for yarn stitches and a quick page.
SKU SKU75906
Our price: $6.49
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 253.38MB
Download Time
18 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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